Lake Leaders

Let’s do more for Kootenay Lake Together. 

Local Lake Leaders are businesses within the Kootenay Lake region that are leading the way to a greener future by supporting lake stewardship and education initiatives in their community. They stand behind our mission in creating a clean, healthy Kootenay Lake for future generations and are not just talking about it, but are doing things to make it happen! These businesses provide a yearly donation to Friends of Kootenay Lake and in return receive recognition in various ways to show the Kootenay Lake community they care about this vibrant waterbody.  Want to join this awesome group of leaders? Let’s collab! 




Your Donation Impact:

  • Help clean Kootenay Lake shorelines through community cleanups
  • Restore Harrop Wetland by deepening two pools and monitor for Western Toads, water levels, and plant diversity
  • Increase research and knowledge on Shore-spawning Kokanee Salmon spawning sites
  • Collect our 8th year of data on osprey and bald eagle reproductive success
  • Monitor 10 new streams in the Kootenay Lake watershed
  • Support our education program to inspire youth and our local community
  • and more!


Download the Lake Leaders package here. 


Become a Lake Leader here





Familiar Faces that Support Us:




Interested in being a partner? Contact us below:

Joelle Burnie

Environmental Outreach Coordinator
