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2021 KCP Virtual Fall Gathering
October 15, 2021
The KCP Fall Gathering & AGM serves as one of the primary venues to connect and re-connect KCP partners from across the region. This year the Fall Gathering will be a one-day virtual conference due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in the Kootenays. Rather than planning small field tours in this time of uncertainty, we will aim for large spring tours as part of the 2022 Stewardship Committee meetings. The organizing theme for this year’s Fall Gathering is “Partnerships in Conservation”. We will showcase examples of Indigenous-led restoration and conservation projects, and explore considerations for planning and implementing restoration projects. We’ll take advantage of this opportunity to have a short (1 hour) Annual General Meeting for KCP Partners as well. Highlights will include the following presentations:
- Hunting Grounds Wetland Restoration, Norm Allard, Yaqan Nukiy: Restoration of this important wetland site in Creston.
- Branden Bark for Bats, Dave DeRosa, Okanagan Nation Alliance: Innovative approach to creating tree roosts for bats.
- Restoring Galena Creek, Shuswap Indian Band. Restoration of this important fish habitat in the Columbia Wetlands.
For more information and register visit: https://kootenayconservation.ca/kcp-fall-gathering/