17 Sep Learning how to Identify Amphibians by their Calls
On Friday, September 3rd we hosted a virtual workshop on identifying amphibians that are local to the Kootenay area. Many local Amphibian species are impacted by a number of factors including habitat destruction, climate change, disease and invasive species. Being able to identify these species...
17 May PSF’s Climate Adaptation Workshop
The Pacific Salmon Foundation recently hosted a Climate Adaptation Workshop. The workshop focussed on upcoming issues, challenges and solutions around salmon adapting to climate change. Six speakers gave five presentations on a range of topics related to climate change and the adaptation of salmon. All of...
24 Mar Improving Ecosystem Function in the Upper Columbia Basin
Check out this discussion paper by the Upper Columbia Basin Environmental Collaborative (UCBEC) which "...
05 Mar Executive Summary: Toward a Vision for Salmon Habitat in the Lower Fraser River
This report outlines the history of the Lower Fraser River, the state of salmon and their habitat, current and emerging threats to this habitat, the value of salmon, and the shifting political landscape in which these habitats must be protected and restored. Read the full report...
22 Aug KCP Stewardship Solutions Online Toolkit
This summer Kootenay Conservation Partnership (KCP) launched its Stewardship Solutions Online Toolkit The toolkit is a great resource for landowners and land managers who wanted to pursue stewardship on private land. An interactive map of the Kootenays allows you to click on your area and see...
15 Nov Selkirk College Ecosystem Enhancement Project
Recreation, Fish & Wildlife students at Selkirk College get the opportunity to take their classroom learning out into the community. Recently, students worked with Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society to share information on local birds and the impact building simple nesting boxes can have. Ecosystem...
29 May Youth Water Passport
Check out our Water Passports. These awesome booklets were designed locally by Beth Joy Studio for our Youth Water Festival, 2018....
29 May RDCK Board Approves Acquisition of Land for New Regional Park in Crawford Bay
Nelson, BC: The Board of Directors of the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) took the next step in the process to purchase land for a new regional park. "Based on the information presented in the staff report received at today’s special open meeting, the...
07 May Uninterrupted Journey – An Interactive Journey of the Life of a Salmon
Wild salmon are a major building block within the Pacific ecosystem – if you live in BC or the Yukon that’s your neighbourhood. These amazing fish are intimately connected to our lives and our western landscape in ways we rarely consider. Take their journey, experience the...
12 Mar The Nelson Daily: Kootenay-Columbia lakes and rivers win protections
Navigable lakes and rivers across Kootenay-Columbia will receive blanket protections under new legislation that was introduced after MP Wayne Stetski tabled his own bill on the subject. Read the full article here....