Make a Donation

Community support makes stewardship possible


Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society is dedicated to sustaining a healthy Kootenay Lake for future generations and we need your financial support to do this.

FoKLSS provides a vital channel for everyone to communicate their interests in the Lake. You can help us to support the health and wellbeing of the lake and it’s environment. We listen and respond to the concerns of all who enjoy it’s beauty and opportunities recreation, or depend upon it for their livelihood, but we cannot do this without your help.

We are currently on hiatus and need your financial support to take our next steps. In a few months, we will announce our upcoming Annual General Meeting. It will most likely take place this fall. At the AGM, we will be looking at our future directions and setting out plans for a future scoping conference.

We are looking for funds to help us with these activities, including arranging the venues and providing refreshments. We want to be able to bring people together from all around the lake, and we very much welcome any contribution you can make towards making these happen.

Thanks for your donation.