Large construction equipment will be present and working through the week of September 5-8, 2023. Please plan your visit once the work is completed.
Large construction equipment will be present and working through the week of September 5-8, 2023. Please plan your visit once the work is completed.
The 2023 Expansion of Harrop Wetland Restoration project will improve 0.53 ha of degraded, invasive grass infested wetland habitat to make it more resilient by increasing the hydro-period, water depth, shade cover, habitat diversity, and species diversity, addressing ongoing concerns of local biodiversity loss and drought stress:
* One large basin (located just south of the 2022 restoration site) will be created to form a marsh pond
* Invasive reed canary grass will be managed for
* Native plants will be reintroduced
* And, habitat features will be created/installed using woody debris donated by Harrop Proctor Community Forest
The project will combat known and projected habitat and population risks for western toads that breed onsite, create critical refuge for wetland users that have limited habitat options in Kootenay Lake’s west arm, and ensure a diverse habitat that is more resilient to climate threats.
more details coming