When was FOKL established?
June 2012
Official Date of Incorporation?
December 22, 2015
How did FOKL come to be?
Community concern for the health of Kootenay Lake lead to the creation of Friends of Kootenay Lake. Wildsight and the West Kootenay EcoSociety, with the support of the Real Estate Foundation of BC and Columbia Basin Trust, were able to develop the framework and hire a coordinator in our first year. We are now an independent Society.
What is the main goal of the group?
We are dedicated to protecting the fish and wildlife habitat of Kootenay Lake while supporting economic, recreation and traditional uses. We are doing this by giving community members the tools they need to protect their own water resources.
What is our focus?
1. Lake education
2. Shoreline Restoration
3. Lake Monitoring – water quality/ raptor nest survey
4. Lake Planning – helps residents to participate in planning initiatives to improve lake management through the Kootenay Lake Partnership
How can people get involved? (2015 list)
• Join in on our water quality monitoring program,
• Help us inventory Wildlife trees on the lake
• Participate in shoreline restoration activities
• Help us at our booths at various festivals/markets
• Attend Kootenay Lake Summit
• Check out events at friendsofkootenaylake.ca
• Join in a Shoreline Clean-up in September