Policies & Procedures

There are 4 levels of ‘Process’ wording and decisions made by non-profits


Constitution Generally doesn’t change; exception is when changing to a Charity  – some wording needs to change – needs approval at a General Meeting of the Society – AGM or  SGM – Final approval by CRA (for charitable)
Bylaws May require occasional updates due to government regulations and/or charity status – needs approval at a General Meeting of the Society –  AGM or  SGM – Final approval by BC Societies Directorate
Policies Set high-level direction for the organization – can be changed by motion at any Board meeting
Procedures Put in place by staff to fulfill the policies set out by the Board – can be changed by staff any time if they are ‘not working’ or perceived improvements to meet strategic goals and policies set out by the Board


I am currently working my way through old minutes to try and piece together all the policies that have been ‘approved’ at the Board level and moving these policies into a PoP (Policies & Procedures) manual. As I undertake this process, policies will be numbered and organized into the manual.

HR Policies                   Indigenous & Engagement Policy          Endorsement Policy

Committee Meeting Ground Rules                   Board Evaluation Policy