wildlife monitoring Tag

As fall comes to an end, so does our season of monitoring Shore-Spawning Kokanee (SSK) Salmon at our restoration site. We had another awesome year and we are looking forward to monitoring in the new year. Kokanee Salmon & Why They Are in Decline Shoreline Spawning Kokanee...

Thanks to our wonderful sponsors and incredible volunteers, we recently wrapped up another successful year of Watershed Monitoring. This program utilizes the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Inventory Network (CABIN) national water quality monitoring protocol to assess water quality through the collection and analysis of macroinvertebrate aquatic...

Details On June 22nd from 10am to 12pm, we will be hosting an online community meeting over Zoom led by Wildlife Biologist & Wetland Ecologist Thomas Biebighauser to discuss the progress of our Harrop Wetland Monitoring Project, and what we are hoping to do moving forward! History...